U18: Alex Vargaeštók, the best scorer of the third round

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Alex Vargaeštók, MŠKM TREBIŠOV, became with 6 goals the best scorer of the third round of the Carpathion Junior Hockey League U18. Before upcoming last round, he answered us on few questions...

Tell us something about your hockey beginnings. How did you get into hockey and where did you take your first hockey steps?

My father got me started in hockey. I was three years old when he began to teach me to skate. Then I gradually played in all the youth categories in Trebišov.

Do you still remember your first coaches? Can you highlight some of the trainers who have had a major impact on your hockey growth?

I’ve had a lot of coaches during my hockey life. I have to say that each of them had an influence on me and more or less a positive one. But the biggest impact on my hockey growth was the continuously training at home or in the winter arena.

Do you have a hockey idol or a favourite hockey team?

My hockey idol was always Pavel Datsyuk, and my favorite team the Chicago Blackhawks.

What would you like to achieve in hockey? Do you have a hockey dream?

So, my hockey dream was always that highest one: to play in the NHL or the KHL.

If you didn't played hockey, is there another sport you would have devoted yourself to?

Other than hockey, there is no other sport I would be interested in devoting myself to. I like sport in general, and so in my free time I like to play just about anything.

The Carpathian Junior Hockey League has three rounds behind it now, and you also played in the league last season. What are your impressions of this league?

I’ve liked it a lot from the very start. Good games are played here that always give us something. I enjoy it and I always look forward to it. We’re meeting with some of the boys for the second season now and it’s really great.

In the first round you didn’t score so many goals, but in the next two you’ve scored 6 goals in both. What reason do you see for this shooter’s “awakeningˮ?

I don’t know what it was. The first round was still before the start of the season and I began in a new team in Banská Bystrica. Perhaps, I really wanted to succeed, because I know what I am capable of doing. Well, in the end it took a little longer.

The season is slowly winding down. What will you be happy with when it comes to an end?

Since my home team HC 05 Banská Bystrica and I have already fallen out of the competition, I’ll be glad if we place as best as possible in the CJHL with the team from Trebišov.

After the season, it is time for a little rest; do you have any plans yet for the summer?

I’ve not made any plans yet. In the last league matches I suffered some injuries that I’m now treating, so that I’m healthy and in good order. And in the summer, I’ll try to arrange things so that we go with the family on a holiday somewhere to rest.


Photos: Tomasz Sowa


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